The Good Words Bookshelf

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Thinking About Writing a Book?

If you have been thinking about writing a book, now is the time to do something about it. This is the time to get serious about sharing your message with others. 

Other people can benefit from the information you share with them. There was a time when I was well-acquainted with the pain of divorce, trying to raise children on my own, wondering how to make ends meet each month. 

It seemed that stress and fear ruled my life. But eventually, I learned there is a way to live a more positive and fulfilling life. And I wanted to share with other women the things that helped me. Perhaps the three most meaningful lessons I learned during that time were: 

o  The power of the Almighty.
o  The power of writing your passion.
o  The power of journaling your thoughts. 

Taken together, these three points become powerful instruments in helping to gain perspective, peace, and hope. They can also help you discover or confirm your life's passion. That's why my book has a daily devotional (some people call them meditations), a Scripture verse, and a space for writing down (i.e., journaling) your insights and thoughts. 

NEXT TIME: The Power of the Almighty

Copyright © 2013 Barbara Hemming 


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The next few posts will deal with self-publishing your book. 
If you're a writer, or have dreams of becoming one someday, chances are pretty good you've heard of the term "self-publishing." 
You may even know something about the publishing or self-publishing industry itself.  In the past, your self-publishing efforts may consist of printing 10 originals on your  home computer's laser jet printer.  Or your efforts may extend to establishing your own book publishing and distribution company.   

Or maybe you just want to write a book for yourself, as a legacy gift to your family, a memoir of specific events in your life or someone else's life, a collection of grandmother's quotes, or the next blockbuster book. 

I wrote "Bible Miracles:  32 Daily Devotions and Journal to Inspire Today's Woman"  The title tells it all. 

Someone asked "why did you write a religious book, a devotional instead of a romance, mystery or other type of non-fiction book?  Something that would make a lot of money?" 

I say, money definitely has its rewards.  But, I'm hoping for "heavenly rewards" instead.

Writers write what's in their hearts.  Write what's in your heart, what you have a passion for, instead of trends.  Trends are here today and gone tomorrow….But your passion remains.   My passion is inspiration in all its forms, mainly for women but for men also.  So many women are walking around feeling inferior, stressed out, financially strapped, lonely, oppressed, depressed. 


I know because I was one of them.

More to come, next time.

Copyright 2013 Barbara Hemming



Friday, May 10, 2013

Don't Forget Mother's Day!

Recently, I was surprised to find out that the most profitable day of the year for florists is not Valentine's Day, but Mother's Day! 

Have a Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Learn How to Self-Publish Your Book

Have you written a book or a memoir, but you're not sure how to get it published? 

Want to write a book but don't know how to start?  

Confused about the terms traditional publishing, self publishing, print-on-demand-publishing, and online publishing?

Then, meet me at Harmony Hall Regional Center, 10701 Livingston Road, Fort  Washington, MD 20744 on Thursday, May 23, 2013,from 1-3 P.M. and learn how to write and publish your book.  I will be discussing how I self-published my inspirational book, "Bible Miracles--32 Daily Devotions and Journal to Inspire Today's Woman."  


Of all the non-religious holidays, I think Mother's Day is the most emotional, most guilt-filled, and yet, the sweetest holiday of the year.  It's the most emotional because we attach a lot of emotion to our mothers and the way they raised us and how we, as mothers, raise our own children.  We deeply love our mothers and set them apart on a pedestal   We can sometimes be touched with guilt because no matter what we do or say, it seems as if it can never equate to the love she showered on us all those years.  As a babe in arms, she was our first true love.  Our love for her was achingly sweet.  And she loved us back with all the vigor she had!

All of us have or had a mother but not all of us knew our mother, for many different reasons.  No one can ever take the place of a mother.  It's fair to say that if we didn't know our mother, there were women who filled that role, at various times in our lives.  They could be a grandmother, stepmother, aunt, motherly friend, or teacher. 

We can give thanks to God for our mothers and mother-substitutes.  We can express our gratitude for what they taught us and the love they gave us.  Let's make time for them.  Tell and show them how much we really love them. 

Friday, April 5, 2013



You are invited to join me and a panel of additional authors for "Literary Explorations" at Harmony Hall Regional Center, 10701 Livingston Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744 on Thursday, May 23, 2013, from 1-3 P.M.  I will be discussing self publishing and my book, "Bible Miracles--32 Daily Devotions and Journal to Inspire Today's Woman."  
 If time permits, I would also like to offer free private consultations to any participant who wishes it.  Hope to see you there!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Christ's Nail Scarred Hands

We look at Christ's nail-scarred hands and wonder at the kind of love that endured such suffering for us.  Try as we might, we cannot fathom it.  Our puny minds grapple with why, and how, and what-if' and come up short.  We search the scriptures for greater understanding.  "But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities."  (Isaiah 53:5, KJV)  

We conclude it's impossible for us to love like that.  And we imagine what the world would be like had Christ chosen not to die for our sins.  What a horror the world would be if he had turned his back on humanity.  

It is because of us, the way we are--our selfishness, our greed, and all our other vices--that Christ died.  It's because of us that Jesus was crucified as a substitute for us. As we ponder this, we can only marvel and conclude "What love!" 

On the day we celebrate his resurrection from the grave, we think of those nail-scarred hands.  We rejoice at his loving sacrifice and triumph over the grave, and sing, "Jesus is alive.  Hallelujah!"
Have a joyous Easter!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Book Reviews at "Good Words Bookshelf"

Check out my latest book reviews at "Good Words Bookshelf," the companion blog to this one.  Find it at .  Send me a comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Congratulations to Catholics on the New Pope

  Pope Francis has just been selected as the new Pope.  May we remember to pray for him, as the Bible instructs.  

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of  the truth."   1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NIV)



Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let the Lord Lead

  Today's post is a re-post from Marlene Bagnall's blog.  It is an inspiring post, especially for me at this time when facing several important decisions about which direction to take concerning important events in my life.  We've all been there haven't we?  Trying to make right decisions, afraid to make the wrong decision...feeling that the consequences of any decision are so big that you can't make any decision.  I hope these good words that follow will inspire you as they did me. 
Marlene Bagnull, Director, Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference writes:  

"Yesterday was one of those days when the process of planning two conferences seemed more than overwhelming and I found myself (yes, I was lost!) telling the Lord, 'I can't." (I never tell Him 'I won't.') Of course, as always, Father just wanted me to 'keep on asking.' He had led me to Matthew 7:7 that morning, and I had just reposted that verse on the Colorado and Philly conference Facebook pages. You know - one of those cut and pastes where you really don't read the copy.  

"Then, at the same time, Raena Rood posted an excerpt from my book, Write His Answer - A Bible Study for Christian Writers.

   "If a crisis of confidence is holding you back
    from the work you know you have been called to do,
    it's time to acknowledge that it's not self-confidence you need
    but God-confidence.
    It's time to learn what it means
    'to be a living demonstration of Christ's power,
    instead of showing off [your] own power and abilities' (2 Cor. 12:9 TLB).

"Don't you love it when Father gets your attention and speaks to you through His Word, the words of others, or even your own words! He knows. He cares. He is with me, and He is with you. And so this morning I'm choosing to re-'Commit everything . . . to the Lord. [I will] trust him to help [me] do it, and he will' (Psalm 37:5 TLB). The CEV reads, 'Let the LORD lead you [I will let the Lord lead me] and trust him to help.' Amen!"     (Used with permission)

That's it!  I had my answer.  I, too will let the Lord lead and trust Him to help me make the right decisions.