The Good Words Bookshelf

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Weather Weary

Image and Text Copyright © 2010 Barbara Hemming. All Rights Reserved.

Today, the Mid-Atlantic is digging out from a massive blizzard. Weathercasters say it’s the worst snowstorm since 1922. We’re even preparing for another storm that’s due to start sometime this evening. We are snow-weary.

At times, Jesus’ disciples were also weather-weary, and wary. During His ministry on earth, Jesus asked His disciples to trust him. When getting into a boat, He told them they were going to the other side of the lake. Once, while doing just that--going over to the other side—a violent storm arose without warning. The storm was so violent that waves covered the boat and the disciples thought they were going to drown. But Jesus showed the disciples that He also ruled over the seas and could stop the storm with just a word.

Perhaps you’re in the midst of a personal storm and you’re frightened by the things you see and hear. Your particular storm might be a job loss, a health challenge, a wayward child, or a spiritual crisis. Everywhere you turn, giant waves of disaster threaten to sink your hope—even your faith. You’ve tried holding on, but you’re beginning to lose your grip. Maybe you’ve taken things into your own hands and merely made a mess. Even your prayers seem like sawdust in your mouth. And like the disciples, you’re wondering if God really cares about you, why doesn’t He do something?

This is the time to hold onto Jesus with everything you've got. It doesn’t matter how fierce the wind or how high the waves of disaster are. We know Jesus, Who created the universe, is in control of all that pertains to us.

And that's a good word!


How are you coping? Do you need a miracle in your life?

God may or may not perform a miracle in your life...But you can be inspired by the miracles He's already performed. And inspiration increases faith and faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.

And those are good words!

Copyright © 2010 Barbara Hemming. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Welcome to my blog. I'm Barbara. I’ve named this blog “Good Words for Women” for several reasons: women of all ages need to hear “good words” from others that will inspire and empower them. We need to hear, and speak, good words for the sake of our own good health, for encouragement in coping with the vast number of tasks we undertake daily, and in order to pass on our good words to the loved ones in our lives. Who better to do this than women?

From time to time, I’ll share with you some of the words, thoughts, ideas, events, and incidents that have inspired me in the past and continue to inspire and make a difference in my life, and the lives of those around me. Perhaps by now, you’ve even got your own list of good words, thoughts, and incidents. Great! I hope you’ll share them with me. So, let’s get started.

Love. Love is perhaps one of the greatest words of all time. Love covers all faults, forgives all wrongs, and endures all indignities. We all crave it and we never get enough of it. It comes in all forms: God’s love for us, our love of God, maternal love, physical love, brotherly love, love of nature, love of country, love of animals, to name a few. Love can free the captive heart and lift up the downtrodden soul. All genuine love originates from God and is sustained by God, for God is love. Here's what one very wise man said about love: "Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails."

Now, that's a good word.

Copyright © 2010 Barbara Hemming. All Rights Reserved.